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N-Reg News

Who would want shares in an airline with all the problems they face, especially in the USA?

Poor airlines but what about poor airline customers? Now flying is happening again, take care to protect yourself as best you can against the vagaries of the industry

Adrian Leopard 0 502 Article rating: No rating

Traditionally probably we do not have sympathy with airlines; they somehow usually manage to fall on their feet and generally at the expense of the flying public.

Airships back in the news

Just think – noiseless travel in comfort; the ability to stop where you want and perhaps just hover in the sky. The possibilities are huge

Adrian Leopard 0 644 Article rating: No rating

Back in January we reported on how airships might become a transport of the future after the disastrous Hindenburg incident 84 years ago.

Have you been working from home during the pandemic? How would it be if this becomes permanent?

This could be one of the most dramatic changes to society over the next decade

Adrian Leopard 0 650 Article rating: No rating

British Airways has announced that it is going to sell its large headquarters building in London since it intends to operate a hybrid approach to staff locations in the future. Previously this building housed 2000 staff but with the new policy the company considers that it will not need such large premises in the future.

Airships coming back as a serious mode of transport? Are you joking?

May be “new norm” won’t be all bad! Definitely aviation with a twist

Adrian Leopard 0 769 Article rating: No rating

When the word “airship” is used, no doubt it conjures up in our minds that dreadful accident in 1937 in New Jersey when the Hindenberg caught fire. It was probably the most famous aviation disaster ever caught on camera and basically brought about the end of airships as a realistic form of transport. Airships, also known as “blimps” have continued to exist but are a relative rarity.

Norwegian Air facing big trouble following refusal of Norwegian government to help out financially. No holidays with them

Yet another airline on the brink

Adrian Leopard 0 624 Article rating: No rating

We have been keeping an eye on Norwegian Air this year because it has looked like tottering quite a lot. Norwegian Air in fact became Europe’s third largest low cost airline, carrying out many of its flights from the UK and one of its main bases has been at Gatwick.

Heathrow Airport suffers £1.5 billion loss. Should we be worried?

The aviation industry is a major contributor to our national economy. We should be watching very carefully

Adrian Leopard 0 684 Article rating: No rating

Heathrow Airport is seldom out of the news for long and has certainly been making a lot of noise in the past nine months, although not so much of that noise has been made by aeroplanes.

Flybe’s resurrection has been announced!

Will the stress of flying be removed as long as there is a risk of Covid-19?

Adrian Leopard 0 681 Article rating: No rating

It is no doubt a surprise to many that Flybe, the airline which went into administration back in March has been bought and is expected to get started up again. The purchaser is Thyme Opco who are linked to Cyrus Capital, a company which was part of a Virgin-led rescue attempt for the airline last year.

Drones – a blessing or a curse and who is liable when one brings down an aircraft?

It is unlikely that a lot of thought has gone into this particular issue on the part of members of the public – time to check it out!

Adrian Leopard 0 693 Article rating: No rating

With all the problems of Covid-19 and the significant reduction in airline travel at the moment, one may think that the question of drones is not a very important one. Well nothing could in fact be further from the truth.

End of an era as British Airways decide to withdraw their entire fleet of Boeing 747s and half price meals in August may be difficult to find

As the world tries to give itself a kick-start economic problems continue to emerge

Adrian Leopard 0 698 Article rating: No rating

Time for retirement – British Airways has brought forward the withdrawal of its entire fleet of 31 jumbo jets. This was originally scheduled for 2024 but the reduction in business due to the pandemic has caused the decision to be taken now, according to announcements made by BA. 747s first flew with British Overseas Airways Corporation in 1971, before that company amalgamated with British European Airways to form British Airways.

Reservation deposits – blessing or curse? But what about the empty chairs and empty tables? And how would you feel if you discovered your pilot did not have a licence to fly the aircraft?

Is the trust we place in our regulators justified? Pakistan CAA clearly has egg on its face

Adrian Leopard 0 639 Article rating: No rating

Moving on, how much do you like flying? Well, how would you feel if you discovered that the pilot flying you was not actually licensed to fly the aircraft in the specific conditions?

Week started badly for business and gets no better, especially in aviation and hospitality

Of course airlines may be closed down again if virus continues to spread at current rate

Adrian Leopard 0 633 Article rating: No rating

Today is the day that Ryanair has started its 1000 flights a day. That plan suffered a minor blow when Greece said not yet please but nevertheless Mr O’Leary claims that their flights to other destinations are 70% full. By clicking on this link you can see what flights are in the air and the Ryanair flights have RYR at the beginning of the ID.

More airline redundancies and other problems

The truth on airline contraction is becoming clearer

Adrian Leopard 0 752 Article rating: No rating

The latest round of redundancies appears to be from Jet2. It would appear that 102 captains and first officers are to be made redundant, the leavers being those who joined the company most recently. Another report states that 380 cabin crew will be made redundant; it is not entirely clear whether this figure includes the pilots or not but the inference is that it does not.

Is British Airways really not allowed to manage its affairs to its advantage? Who next?

Businesses are now fighting for their very survival. Without them there will be no jobs

Adrian Leopard 0 672 Article rating: No rating

“No man in the country is under the smallest obligation, moral or other, so to arrange his legal relations to his business or property as to enable the Inland Revenue to put the largest possible shovel in his stores…..” So said The Rt Hon the Lord Clyde, a judge in 1929 in a famous tax case. He went on to point out that the Inland Revenue quite rightly did its best to grab as much as it could and the taxpayer was entitled to be astute, albeit honest, to prevent the depletion of his means.

Aviation in dire trouble – will it ever be the same again? And what about your holidays this year?

Do people have a clue just how bad it is?

Adrian Leopard 0 678 Article rating: No rating

Current news on aviation is dire. British Airways have announced a possible 12000 redundancies will be taking place and now it is looking like Gatwick will lose all BA activity and BA are telling us that it may not start up again. The job reductions include significant numbers of pilots and co-pilots. We have talked about what happens to them before; if they stop flying they would have to re-activate their validations before they can carry passengers and this is going to come at great cost.

Aviation – will it ever be the same again?

In the eyes of the public, confusion rules okay

Adrian Leopard 0 711 Article rating: No rating

As a former pilot myself, albeit not carrying fare-paying passengers, the future of aviation is something in which I maintain considerable interest. When the Covid-19 crisis got started, we heard all about how international travel was effectively coming to a somewhat abrupt, albeit temporary, halt. Citizens were getting stranded the world over, flights were being cancelled, people could not get home. Since then we are led to believe that the industry has contracted yet further.

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